msc69 asked for a holiday update, and as I've been a very bad blog proprietress lately, I thought I should AT LEAST be able to post a little something per his wish.
Sadly, there is very little going on right now. I've had a new roommate for several months now, you would know him as J. Unfortunately, he has insisted that roommates are meant to be platonic. This is hard, and is complicated by the fact that he walks around the house with a minimal amount of clothes and that I can hear him watching porn in his room feet away from me. I have taken up buying batteries at Costco with regularity. I have also discovered to my extremely pleasant surprise that a Pleasure Chest store is now open within walking distance of my house. You might call my recent spate of battery operated boyfriend purchases "stockpiling".
I will be spending New Year's with friends in Las Vegas. About 3 million other people plan to do this as well, which means it should not be overwhelmingly difficult to find someone to play with out there. I'm taking the laptop with me and will hopefully have something titillating to report for my sweet, not to mention extremely patient readers. ;-)